Friday, April 2, 2010

Thai Beef Salad

A new box of produce has arrived! :) This is a really staggeringly tasty set of veges. Tiny perfect eggplants, more persimmons, a secret bag of snow peas that taste so sweet and fresh that we are just eating them straight out of the bag. I love little bananas too. They're the perfect snack as you walk through the kitchen. However, the king of the box this week was the massive haul of basil.

I bow down to thee

It is the Easter long weekend in Australia. It is autumn, not spring, so a great time for reflection, taking stock and catching up on sleep. My darling hubbie made us Thai Beef Salad for dinner which was simultaneously comforting, spicy and refreshing. This is Brisbane eating. This is how we live.

The recipe is from here. We make it with more of the sauce than it recommends.

What a great way to enjoy cos lettuce, limes, ginger, garlic and about 1/2 of the massive bunch of basil we got.

We added pad thai noodles at the bottom. Just for fun. We forgot to add heirloom tomato! What a pair of duffers. :)

What really made me appreciate my life today was that this was our first time being 'City Cousins'. It is our pleasure to offer a safe space for the neighborhood drop-offs. But, what a lovely surprise to find this card tucked away amongst the boxes, welcoming us to our new role. Awwwww! What a great community feeling. Thanks Jeanne and Barry! :)

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